Bonnet Shores Land Trust Sign Installed!

The New BSLT Sign was Installed July 12, 2023 on the Causeway

The sign was designed by Linda Kaufman. Land Trust Trustee David Kaufman led the installation with assistance from Land Trust Trustee Arthur Hardy, along with the help of Bonnet neighbors, Jeff Coes, EJ Sutherland, Grant Caldwell and Narragansett friend/Contractor Jesse Grande. Great care was given to install the sign securely and safely.


Rain Barrel Conserve Water

The Bonnet Shores Land trust suggests residents consider buying a rain barrel (or more than one!)

They fill very quickly with any rainfall and are very useful when there are dry spells in the summer.  The ones pictured here are at a BSFD resident’s home and they highly recommend them.  They initially bought two from URI (the two photographed together) about 12 years ago, but one was hooked to a down spout connected to gutters that filled the barrel to overflowing most rainfalls, while the other one filled less often.  So, they used part of a garden hose to connect the two shown here and bought the tan one from Home Depot (EarthMinded RainStation 45 Gal. Recycled Black Rain Barrel with Diverter RS45-RC - The Home Depot). The ones from URI do not have a functioning spout but you can remove the cover and dip in a watering container to retrieve the water. The one from HD has a faucet that works quite well.  You can also put the lid on the HD one so you can add dirt and grow plants on top.

URI Rain Barrels

URI Rain Barrels

Home Depot Rain Barrel

Home Depot Rain Barrel

Welcome to the Bonnet Shores Land Trust Website!

" order_by="sortorder" order_direction="ASC" returns="included" maximum_entity_count="500"]The Bonnet Shore Fire District Land Trust: Legislation approved by the R.I. General Assembly in the January Session of 1991, created the Bonnet Shores Land Trust.

The primary goals of the Bonnet Shore Fire District Land Trust are to:

                                  (1) Preserve open space in Bonnet Shores

                                  (2) Preserve and protect Bonnet Shores’ two beaches.



Announcements   Subject: 2017 Wesquage Pond monitoring results https://www.bonnetshoreslandtrust.orgbslt-news

Is Your Property in a Flood Zone? Click link below:

Bonnet Flood Maps


2013 FEMA FloodZones

Is Your Undeveloped Property on a Paper Road?

If you are, you may want to consider Donating and avoid future taxes,fees, and other liabilities!

Logo for BSFD web B

Donation information

Other important links:

                               The Official Town Of Narragansett Rhode Island Web Site

Bonnet Shores Fire District Home Page

          Wesquage Pond Audubon Society Preserve or Sanctuary

FEMA Map Service Center -

             RIRRC: Home of Rhode Island Resource Recovery



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